Our Solutions.

Genomics Data Lake

Organize your -omics data in the cloud. Organized data is easy to find, easy to manage, and easy to use.

Scalable Compute

No time to wait? Deploy and scale compute services for better automation and collaboration.

Consulting Services

From pipeline building to AI to scientific research, our team can help you deliver insights with ease.

Dedicated to Research.

With many of our clients, we participate in publishable research. We believe in open, reproducible science.

Recent Publications:

Our Latest Venture…

Silico Biosciences

Where AI meets scalable, reliable drug development.

About Us

We are a biotech consulting and research firm that provides best-in-class services to scale life science workloads in the cloud. A Microsoft- and Databricks-partner, Tuple specializes in building cloud architectures using Azure services.

Tuple is known for implementing innovative solutions in areas ranging from bioinformatics to artificial intelligence and beyond. Our previous clients include pharmaceutical and biotech companies, academic research institutions, government entities, healthcare groups, and others. If your workloads are taking too long to process and you need help organizing and deriving value from all your -omics data, reach out to us today!

Databricks Partner

Recent Case Studies