Work like you've got 8 arms. 🦑


Add limitless scale to your pipelines.

Easy to Deploy With our quick deployment templates, you'll be up and running with Kubernetes and other complimentary Azure services in no time. All you need is an Azure Subscription and we'll handle the rest.
Go Hands-Off and Eyes-On ahab will kick off analysis jobs automatically when new data becomes available. Plus, with our Power BI report templates, you can easily see what's running/completed/failed.
Data Lake Connected Once you have a cloud-based data lake configured, ahab can pull data from it and write results back while playing nicely with your data lake's security.

Supercharged Kubernetes with the power of Azure.

Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration tool that organizations use to run and manage clusters of machines that run facets of an application. It turns out that this platform also works well with computationally-intensive bioinformatics pipelines. Using a cloud-based version of Kubernetes in Azure, we can orchestrate thousands of processes with ease.

It's like it was built for Bioinformatics!?

Getting bioinformatics pipelines up and running can sometimes feel like taping random things together and hoping they don't break. Docker has really revolutionized scientific reproducibility by containerizing all the software dependencies together so that your workflow just... works. Building on the strengths of Docker and Kubernetes, ahab provides a platform that excels at enterprise-scale bioinformatics.

Pipeline Tools

Example Analyses


BYODocker Containers

We have tried and true bioinformatics pipelines (for RNA-seq, WES, and more) ready for you to use. However, ahab fully supports the use of custom Docker containers with your own pipelines. This platform will plug right into your Azure architecture and scale your existing workflows with a very low learning curve.

A Modern Approach to High Performance Computing.

No longer do we have to fuss with clunky HPC environments with schedulers and finite resources. ahab in the Azure cloud breaks through the previously frustrating limitations.


Need a single machine for 10 minutes or 1,000 machines for 10 hours? No problem. Dynamic scaling of the Kubernetes cluster will meet your computational needs - no matter how big or small.


Integrating your orchestration tools with ahab's API allows for automated job creation. This is perfect for standardized tasks like processing FASTQ files through an RNA-seq or WES pipeline as the samples trickle in.


Visibility is key to keeping track of how things are going. The ahab platform is designed to handle container logs and to keep an eye on a job's progress. You'll be able to integrate with your reporting tool (or use our Power BI report template) to see job statuses and to find your results.